- Saturday, October 13, 2018, 3:30 pm
Elin Widdifield and Joanna Bowen, Board President of NAMI Orange County, NC will co-present Core Psychiatric Training for all psychiatric nurses as well as for nurses and chaplains who wish to attend. This is an ongoing program to inform UNC psychiatric nurses how to effectively communicate to patients and their families to inspire hope for recovery. Held at Greensboro-Highpoint Airport Marriot Hotel. For additional upcoming dates of this program, please contact Elin at elinaber616@gmail.com.
- Monday, October 14, 2018, 4:30 pm
Mary Widdifield will present Compassionate Inclusion of Families in Treatment of Individuals at Dominican University for graduate students and any students wishing to attend. Dominican University, San Rafael Ca.
Additional speaking engagements forthcoming.